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The Bruce Denniston Bone Marrow Society is a Registered Canadian Charity (12128 4665 RR0001). The Society depends on contributions of individuals and corporations, to improve the odds of survival for patients needing stem cell or marrow transplants. Your financial contribution can save lives.

A contribution to the Bruce Denniston Bone Marrow Society is like a deposit to a global insurance policy. By giving generously, you will not only be helping patients in Canada and around the world, but your donation will go on helping for years to come.

Hold an event or company activity in support of the Bruce Denniston Society:

Send an email to;

include event/company activity (fund raiser?), location, date/time, and other relevant information

Send a cheque or money order:

Bruce Denniston Bone Marrow Society Ottawa Chapter
5 Beechwood Ave,
PO Box 74226, Ottawa, ON
K1M 2H9
Phone (613) 837-7537